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Helper functions that returns the results of stats::glm() when Poisson or Quasi-Poisson distributions are needed (see family parameter), or MASS::glm.nb() for Negative Binomial distributions. Link function for the GLM is log.


h_glm_count(.var, .df_row, variables, distribution, weights)

h_glm_poisson(.var, .df_row, variables, weights)

h_glm_quasipoisson(.var, .df_row, variables, weights)

h_glm_negbin(.var, .df_row, variables, weights)



single variable name that is passed by rtables when requested by a statistics function.


dataset that includes all the variables that are called in .var and variables.


(named list of string)
list of additional analysis variables, with expected elements:

  • arm (string)
    group variable, for which the covariate adjusted means of multiple groups will be summarized. Specifically, the first level of arm variable is taken as the reference group.

  • covariates (character)
    a vector that can contain single variable names (such as "X1"), and/or interaction terms indicated by "X1 * X2".

  • offset (numeric)
    a numeric vector or scalar adding an offset.


a character value specifying the distribution used in the regression (Poisson, Quasi-Poisson, negative binomial).


a character vector specifying weights used in averaging predictions. Number of weights must equal the number of levels included in the covariates. Weights option passed to emmeans::emmeans().


  • h_glm_count() returns the results of the selected model.

  • h_glm_poisson() returns the results of a Poisson model.

  • h_glm_quasipoisson() returns the results of a Quasi-Poisson model.

  • h_glm_negbin() returns the results of a negative binomial model.


  • h_glm_count(): Helper function to return the results of the selected model (Poisson, Quasi-Poisson, negative binomial).

  • h_glm_poisson(): Helper function to return results of a Poisson model.

  • h_glm_quasipoisson(): Helper function to return results of a Quasi-Poisson model.

  • h_glm_negbin(): Helper function to return results of a negative binomial model.