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Summarize results of ANCOVA. This can be used to analyze multiple endpoints and/or multiple timepoints within the same response variable .var.


h_ancova(.var, .df_row, variables, interaction_item = NULL)

  interaction_y = FALSE,
  interaction_item = NULL

  interaction_y = FALSE,
  interaction_item = NULL

  show_labels = "visible",
  table_names = vars,
  .stats = NULL,
  .formats = NULL,
  .labels = NULL,
  .indent_mods = NULL,
  interaction_y = FALSE,
  interaction_item = NULL



single variable name that is passed by rtables when requested by a statistics function.


(data frame)
data set that includes all the variables that are called in .var and variables.


(named list of strings)
list of additional analysis variables, with expected elements:

  • arm: (string)
    group variable, for which the covariate adjusted means of multiple groups will be summarized. Specifically, the first level of arm variable is taken as the reference group.

  • covariates: (character)
    a vector that can contain single variable names (such as "X1"), and/or interaction terms indicated by "X1 * X2".


name of the variable that should have interactions with arm. if the interaction is not needed, the default option is NULL


(data frame)
data set containing all analysis variables.


(data frame or vector)
the data corresponding to the reference group.


TRUE when working with the reference level, FALSE otherwise.


confidence level of the interval.


a selected item inside of the interaction_item column which will be used to select the specific ANCOVA results. if the interaction is not needed, the default option is FALSE


input layout where analyses will be added to.


variable names for the primary analysis variable to be iterated over.


character for label.


additional arguments for the lower level functions.


label visibility: one of "default", "visible" and "hidden".


this can be customized in case that the same vars are analyzed multiple times, to avoid warnings from rtables.


statistics to select for the table.


(named character or list)
formats for the statistics.


(named character)
labels for the statistics (without indent).


(named integer)
indent modifiers for the labels.


A named list of 5 statistics:

  • n: count of complete sample size for the group.

  • lsmean: estimated marginal means in the group.

  • lsmean_diff: difference in estimated marginal means in comparison to the reference group. If working with the reference group, this will be empty.

  • lsmean_diff_ci: confidence level for difference in estimated marginal means in comparison to the reference group.

  • pval: p-value (not adjusted for multiple comparisons).


  • h_ancova(): Helper function to return results of a linear model.

  • s_ancova(): Statistics function that produces a named list of results of the investigated linear model.

  • a_ancova(): Formatted Analysis function which can be further customized by calling rtables::make_afun() on it. It is used as afun in rtables::analyze().

  • summarize_ancova(): Layout creating function which can be be used for creating summary tables for analysis of covariance (ANCOVA).


  .var = "Sepal.Length",
  .df_row = iris,
  variables = list(arm = "Species", covariates = c("Petal.Length * Petal.Width", "Sepal.Width"))
#>  Species    emmean     SE  df lower.CL upper.CL
#>  setosa       6.15 0.3371 143     5.49     6.82
#>  versicolor   5.72 0.0668 143     5.59     5.85
#>  virginica    5.41 0.1488 143     5.11     5.70
#> Confidence level used: 0.95 


adsl <- synthetic_cdisc_data("rcd_2022_02_28")$adsl
adqs <- synthetic_cdisc_data("rcd_2022_02_28")$adqs

adqs_single <- adqs %>%
    AVISIT == "WEEK 1 DAY 8", # single time point
    PARAMCD == "FKSI-FWB" # single end point
  ) %>%
  mutate(CHG = ifelse(BMEASIFL == "Y", CHG, NA)) # only analyze evaluable population

df <- adqs_single %>%
  filter(ARMCD == "ARM B")
.var <- "CHG"
.df_row <- adqs_single
variables <- list(arm = "ARMCD", covariates = "SEX * AGE")
.ref_group <- adqs_single %>%
  filter(ARMCD == "ARM A")
conf_level <- 0.95

# Internal function - s_ancova
if (FALSE) {
  df, .var, .df_row, variables, .ref_group,
  .in_ref_col = FALSE,
  conf_level, interaction_y = FALSE, interaction_item = NULL

# Internal function - a_ancova
if (FALSE) {
  df, .var, .df_row, variables, .ref_group,
  .in_ref_col = FALSE,
  interaction_y = FALSE, interaction_item = NULL, conf_level


cached_data <- synthetic_cdisc_data("rcd_2022_02_28")

adsl <- cached_data$adsl
adqs <- cached_data$adqs
adqs_single <- adqs %>%
    AVISIT == "WEEK 1 DAY 8", # single time point
    PARAMCD == "FKSI-FWB" # single end point
  ) %>%
  mutate(CHG = ifelse(BMEASIFL == "Y", CHG, NA)) # only analyze evaluable population
adqs_multi <- adqs %>%
  filter(AVISIT == "WEEK 1 DAY 8")

basic_table() %>%
  split_cols_by("ARMCD", ref_group = "ARM A") %>%
  add_colcounts() %>%
    vars = "CHG",
    variables = list(arm = "ARMCD", covariates = NULL),
    table_names = "unadj",
    conf_level = 0.95, var_labels = "Unadjusted comparison",
    .labels = c(lsmean = "Mean", lsmean_diff = "Difference in Means")
  ) %>%
    vars = "CHG",
    variables = list(arm = "ARMCD", covariates = c("BASE", "STRATA1")),
    table_names = "adj",
    conf_level = 0.95, var_labels = "Adjusted comparison (covariates BASE and STRATA1)"
  ) %>%
  build_table(adqs_single, alt_counts_df = adsl)
#>                                                      ARM A        ARM B           ARM C    
#>                                                     (N=134)      (N=134)         (N=132)   
#> ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#> Unadjusted comparison                                                                      
#>   n                                                   68           73              62      
#>   Mean                                               3.68         5.07            3.09     
#>   Difference in Means                                             1.38            -0.59    
#>     95% CI                                                    (-2.76, 5.53)   (-4.91, 3.73)
#>     p-value                                                      0.5113          0.7873    
#> Adjusted comparison (covariates BASE and STRATA1)                                          
#>   n                                                   68           73              62      
#>   Adjusted Mean                                      4.06         3.57            3.34     
#>   Difference in Adjusted Means                                    -0.49           -0.72    
#>     95% CI                                                    (-3.28, 2.29)   (-3.57, 2.12)
#>     p-value                                                      0.7277          0.6165    

# Another example: count the interaction between rows and columns into consideration

adsl <- cached_data$adsl
adqs <- cached_data$adqs
adqs_single <- adqs %>%
  filter(AVISIT %in% c("WEEK 1 DAY 8", "WEEK 2 DAY 15", "WEEK 5 DAY 36")) %>%
  droplevels() %>%
  filter(PARAM == "BFI All Questions") %>%
  mutate(CHG = ifelse(BMEASIFL == "Y", CHG, NA)) # only analyze evaluable population

basic_table() %>%
  split_cols_by("ARMCD", ref_group = "ARM A") %>%
  add_colcounts() %>%
  split_rows_by("STRATA1", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>%
    vars = "CHG",
    variables = list(arm = "ARMCD", covariates = c("BASE", "AVISIT", "AVISIT*ARMCD")),
    conf_level = 0.95,
    var_labels = "WEEK 1 DAY 8",
    table_names = "WEEK 1 DAY 8",
    interaction_y = "WEEK 1 DAY 8",
    interaction_item = "AVISIT"
  ) %>%
    vars = "CHG",
    variables = list(arm = "ARMCD", covariates = c("BASE", "AVISIT", "AVISIT*ARMCD")),
    conf_level = 0.95,
    var_labels = "WEEK 2 DAY 15",
    table_names = "WEEK 2 DAY 15",
    interaction_y = "WEEK 2 DAY 15",
    interaction_item = "AVISIT"
  ) %>%
    vars = "CHG",
    variables = list(arm = "ARMCD", covariates = c("BASE", "AVISIT", "AVISIT*ARMCD")),
    conf_level = 0.95,
    var_labels = "WEEK 5 DAY 36",
    table_names = "WEEK 5 DAY 36",
    interaction_y = "WEEK 5 DAY 36",
    interaction_item = "AVISIT"
  ) %>%
  build_table(adqs_single, alt_counts_df = adsl)
#>                                     ARM A         ARM B             ARM C     
#>                                    (N=134)       (N=134)           (N=132)    
#> ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#> A                                                                             
#>   WEEK 1 DAY 8                                                                
#>     n                                14            29                10       
#>     Adjusted Mean                   3.22          5.31              3.09      
#>     Difference in Adjusted Means                  2.09              -0.12     
#>       95% CI                                  (-4.84, 9.02)     (-8.95, 8.70) 
#>       p-value                                    0.5520            0.9780     
#>   WEEK 2 DAY 15                                                               
#>     n                                14            29                10       
#>     Adjusted Mean                   9.02          10.73             8.89      
#>     Difference in Adjusted Means                  1.72              -0.13     
#>       95% CI                                  (-5.21, 8.64)     (-8.96, 8.70) 
#>       p-value                                    0.6252            0.9766     
#>   WEEK 5 DAY 36                                                               
#>     n                                14            29                10       
#>     Adjusted Mean                   24.11         23.99             27.07     
#>     Difference in Adjusted Means                  -0.12             2.97      
#>       95% CI                                  (-7.04, 6.81)    (-5.86, 11.79) 
#>       p-value                                    0.9734            0.5078     
#> B                                                                             
#>   WEEK 1 DAY 8                                                                
#>     n                                24            22                26       
#>     Adjusted Mean                   4.03          4.54              4.48      
#>     Difference in Adjusted Means                  0.51              0.46      
#>       95% CI                                  (-5.12, 6.15)     (-4.93, 5.84) 
#>       p-value                                    0.8580            0.8678     
#>   WEEK 2 DAY 15                                                               
#>     n                                24            22                26       
#>     Adjusted Mean                   16.10         8.26              8.39      
#>     Difference in Adjusted Means                  -7.84             -7.71     
#>       95% CI                                 (-13.48, -2.21)   (-13.10, -2.33)
#>       p-value                                    0.0066            0.0052     
#>   WEEK 5 DAY 36                                                               
#>     n                                24            22                26       
#>     Adjusted Mean                   21.74         23.58             27.55     
#>     Difference in Adjusted Means                  1.84              5.81      
#>       95% CI                                  (-3.79, 7.48)     (0.43, 11.20) 
#>       p-value                                    0.5199            0.0345     
#> C                                                                             
#>   WEEK 1 DAY 8                                                                
#>     n                                30            22                26       
#>     Adjusted Mean                   5.43          7.86              4.03      
#>     Difference in Adjusted Means                  2.43              -1.40     
#>       95% CI                                  (-3.28, 8.15)     (-6.87, 4.07) 
#>       p-value                                    0.4021            0.6146     
#>   WEEK 2 DAY 15                                                               
#>     n                                30            22                26       
#>     Adjusted Mean                   12.67         14.49             12.10     
#>     Difference in Adjusted Means                  1.83              -0.57     
#>       95% CI                                  (-3.89, 7.54)     (-6.04, 4.90) 
#>       p-value                                    0.5294            0.8373     
#>   WEEK 5 DAY 36                                                               
#>     n                                30            22                26       
#>     Adjusted Mean                   25.81         21.00             29.71     
#>     Difference in Adjusted Means                  -4.80             3.90      
#>       95% CI                                 (-10.51, 0.91)     (-1.57, 9.37) 
#>       p-value                                    0.0990            0.1611     

if (FALSE) {
basic_table() %>%
  split_cols_by("ARMCD", ref_group = "ARM A") %>%
  split_rows_by("PARAMCD") %>%
    vars = "CHG",
    variables = list(arm = "ARMCD", covariates = c("BASE", "STRATA1")),
    conf_level = 0.95, var_labels = "Adjusted mean"
  ) %>%
  build_table(adqs_multi, alt_counts_df = adsl)